Season and Overall Results


How it works

Season Results:
To get a Season result in a discipline, you must enter at least one competition with a maximum of three competitions in a single discipline counting towards your score. If you compete in more than three competitions, we’ll use your best three. If two or more riders get the same score at the end of the season, we’ll use their fourth result to sort them into position.

Overall Results:
Your Overall result is the combination of your Season results – you have to have competed in each discipline at least once to get an Overall.





Position Name Number Points
1 Matt Beletatti 312 100
2 Fynley Davies 710 86
3 Harry Thomas 711 77
4 Bradley Sykes 913 70



Position Name Number Points
1 Fynley Davies 710 100
2 Matt Beletatti 312 86
3 Harry Thomas 711 77
4 Bradley Sykes 913 70



Position Name Number Points
1 Josh Hale 963 100
2 Harry Thomas 711 86
3 Fynley Davies 710 77



Position Name Number Points
1 Fynley Davies 710 263
2 Harry Thomas 711 240





Position Name Number Points
1 William Molyneux 495 100
2 Jack Dudley 415 86
3 Morris Mackley 611 77
4 Piers Sutton 416 70
5 Connor Clark 833 64
6 Ewan Price 992 59



Position Name Number Points
1 William Molyneux 495 100
2 Jack Dudley 415 86
3 Morris Mackley 611 77
4 Piers Sutton 416 70
5 Connor Clark 833 64
6 Ewan Price 992 59



Position Name Number Points
1 William Molyneux 495 100
2 Connor Clark 833 86
3 Jack Dudley 415 77
4 Piers Sutton 416 70
5 Ewan Price 992 64
6 Morris Mackley 611 59



Position Name Number Points
1 William Molyneux 495 300
2 Jack Dudley 415 249
3 Connor Clark 833 214
4 Morris Mackley 611 213
5 Piers Sutton 416 210
6 Ewan Price 992 182





Position Name Number Points
1 Jess Thomas 747 100
2 Rachel La Roche 494 86



Position Name Number Points
1 Jess Thomas 747 100
2 Rachel La Roche 494 86



Position Name Number Points
1 Suzie Hale 103 100
2 Amy-Rose Wanklyn 705 86





Position Name Number Points
1 Harry Jessop 247 100
2 Dan Watson 326 86
3 Mark Hale 162 77
4 Bogdan Rusu 420 70
5 Scott Leadbitter 800 64
6 Dave McBean 500 59
7 Rich Sykes 13 55
8 Raphael La Roche 69 51
9 Chris Perrin 990 48



Position Name Number Points
1 Harry Jessop 247 100
2 Dan Watson 326 86
3 Raphael La Roche 69 77
4 Rich Sykes 13 70
5 Stephen Morris 95 64
6 Daniel Kernahan 971 59
7 Mark Hale 162 55
8 Scott Leadbitter 800 51
9 Adam Hale 973 48
10 Chris Perrin 990 45
11 James Morris 795 43
12 Stuart Ibinson 230 41



Position Name Number Points
1 Mark Hale 162 100
2 Bogdan Rusu 420 86
3 Harry Jessop 247 77
4 Phil de Havilland-Hall 23 70
5 Scott Leadbitter 800 64



Position Name Number Points
1 Harry Jessop 247 277
2 Mark Hale 162 232
3 Scott Leadbitter 800 179





Position Name Number Points
1 Aiden Beamish 469 100
2 Jonny Wheeler 828 86
3 Graham Wedderburn 441 77
4 Andy Dumelow 226 70
5 Matt Humphrey 614 64
6 Jethro Lomas 615 59
7 Dale Goodwin 868 55
8 Matt Haywood 7 51



Position Name Number Points
1 Andy Dumelow 226 100
2 Ashley Mulholland 640 86
3 Graham Wedderburn 441 77
4 Aiden Beamish 469 70
5 Jonny Wheeler 828 64
6 Ed Richardson 304 59
7 Matt Humphrey 614 55
8 Nathan Scott 974 51
9 James Hirst 803 48
10 Tim Edwards 811 45
11 Jethro Lomas 615 43
12 Matt Haywood 7 41
13 Chloe Chew 363 39
14 Michael Evans 848 37
15 Dale Goodwin 868 35



Position Name Number Points
1 Ashley Mulholland 640 100
2 Ed Richardson 304 86
3 Connor Tyson 575 77
4 Aiden Beamish 469 70
5 Will Fox 272 64
6 Graham Wedderburn 441 59



Position Name Number Points
1 Aiden Beamish 469 240
2 Graham Wedderburn 441 213





Position Name Number Points
1 Matt Brind 17 100
2 James Wanklyn 142 86
3 Beiran Martlew 228 77
4 Mark Adams 340 70
5 Tom Donaldson 101 64



Position Name Number Points
1 Matt Brind 17 100
2 James Wanklyn 142 86
3 Jack Chew 98 77
4 Mark ‘Skully’ Sullivan 116 70
5 Alex Smith 950 64
6 Tom Donaldson 101 59
7 Teige Stewart 333 55
8 Andy Brind 422 51
9 Beiran Martlew 228 48
10 Mark Adams 340 45
11 Leon Dove 75 43
12 Bogdan Rusu 420 41



Position Name Number Points
1 Matt Brind 17 100
2 Emlyn Bainbridge 520 86
3 James Wanklyn 142 77
4 Andy Brind 422 70
5 Alex Smith 950 64
6 Mark Adams 340 59
7 Tom Donaldson 101 55



Position Name Number Points
1 Matt Brind 17 300
2 James Wanklyn 142 249
3 Andy Brind 422 180
4 Tom Donaldson 101 178
5 Mark Adams 340 174


Team Challenge


How it works

Each team can enter up to 10 riders to make up their full team. After each competition, we look at the results for each rider in the team and add the best five together giving each team a maximum of 500 points per competition.

After all the competitions of a particular discipline have been completed, we add all the team’s scores in that discipline together to give the team’s Season ranking in the discipline. The Overall team ranking is the sum of all the team’s Season rankings. To get an Overall ranking, at least one member from each team must have competed in at least one of each discipline.


Position Team Points
1 Hale’s A Team 433
2 Ironside’s 426
3 Trampa Boards 390
4 Hale’s Force One 223
5 NEAT Boarders 211
6 Stiched Boards 137



Position Team Points
1 Ironside’s 440
2 Hale’s A Team 411
3 Another World 356
4 Trampa Boards 344
5 Hale’s Force One 298
6 NEAT Boarders 228
7 Stiched Boards 187



Position Team Points
1 Hale’s A Team 500
2 Trampa Boards 374
3 Ironside’s 292
4 Hale’s Force One 214
5 Another World 164
6 NEAT Boarders 123



Position Team Points
1 Hale’s A Team 1344
2 Ironside’s 1158
3 Trampa Boards 1108
4 Hale’s Force One 735
5 NEAT Boarders 562