The ATBA-UK is the National Governing Body for Mountainboarding in the UK. It is a not-for-profit membership organisation set up to administer, represent and promote the sport of mountainboarding by:

  • Putting rider’s interests first.
  • Promoting safety
  • Sanctioning events
  • Providing training
  • Communicating actions and decisions to members
  • Sourcing funding for the above

One of the biggest roles the ATBA-UK plays is putting on mountainboard competitions, involving Boarder-X racing, Freestyle displays, and Downhill racing.

We also provide training for Mountainboard Instructors and have lots of volunteering opportunities for anyone who would like to help with the competitions or with promoting mountainboarding.

How we work

The ATBA-UK is the National Governing Body for the sport of mountain boarding and as such it exists to administer, represent and promote all aspects of the sport in the United Kingdom.

The object of the ATBA-UK is to encourage, promote, facilitate, develop and have sole control of the sport of Mountain Boarding in all its forms (including, but not limited to All Terrain Boarding, Dirt Boarding and Grass Boarding) and all activities which involve the use of a mountain board, or any equivalent, amongst all sections of the community and at all levels of ability, providing opportunities for recreation, instruction and competition, including recognition and approval of local, regional, national and international clubs, training centres and events in the United Kingdom.

The ATBA-UK will support, promote and protect the interests of its members by any and all such lawful means as may be required from time to time.

Membership of the ATBA-UK is open to any person who completes a membership application form and pays the relevant subscription/joining fee to the Treasurer as determined by the Annual General Meeting of Members.

The National Governing Body is formed by the election of officials, all of whom must have been Full Members for a minimum of one year at the time of the election, and must continue to be Full Members for their period in office, as follows:

Executive Committee
  • Chairman
  • Vice-Chairman
  • Company Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Riders´ Representatives
  • Press Liasion
  • Membership Secretary
  • Standards Secretary

All officials will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, only from, and by, the Full Members of the ATBA-UK. Nominations for election to these positions must have the recorded agreement of the nominee and the recorded support of at least three Full Members, one of whom should also be a current official.

Note: Chairman is used here because it is the term used in law and refers to anyone, male or female, who is elected to this position.


The Chairman shall:

  • Act on behalf of the ATBA-UK between meetings to achieve the Objects of the Organisation and to implement the policies, plans and decisions of the Executive Committee and of General Meetings, employing staff and resources, including professional expertise as required, within an agreed delegated budget set by the General Committee of the Organisation, maintaining and reporting audited accounts annually through the Treasurer.
  • Represent the ATBA-UK in any circumstances required to achieve and further the objectives, policies and plans of the Organisation.
  • Chair and ensure the proper conduct of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of General Meetings of the Organisation in accordance with its Constitution.

The Company Secretary shall:

  • Act as the first point of contact for the ATBA-UK and ensure that all initial responses are made within 5 working days of receipt
  • Identify the best person, or persons to deal with an enquiry, or any other circumstance that requires action or a response on behalf of the ATBA-UK
  • Conduct the correspondence of the ATBA-UK
  • Keep custody of all documents relevant to the full range of activities, duties and responsibilities of the ATBA-UK
  • Keep full minutes of all meetings of the ATBA-UK and of the General Committee, which shall be confirmed and signed by the Chairman upon the agreement of those present at the next following meeting
  • Administer such insurance policy or policies as may be necessary for the activities, duties and responsibilities of the ATBA-UK
  • Take legal advice as necessary to ensure that the ATBA-UK´s affairs are conducted and managed in accordance with current law in the United Kingdom
  • Keep a register of recognized clubs, regional organizations, approved competitions, competition licenses, and any other recognized events in the United Kingdom

The Membership Secretary shall:

  • Keep a register of the member´s names, email and postal addresses.
  • Receive subscriptions/joining fee for all categories of membership and issue membership cards and other documentation including renewal reminder notices
  • Maintain a proper record of all payments received and submit returns to the Treasurer at agreed intervals
  • Promote the importance and benefits of membership of the ATBA-UK to secure the future development of the sport

The Standards Secretary shall:

  • Keep a register of accredited instructors trained in accordance with the standards agreed and approved by the ATBA-UK
  • Issue reminder notices to accredited instructors for the annual renewal of membership of the ATBA-UK and for the renewal of recognition, normally every 3 years, both of which are mandatory for compliance with the standards agreed and approved by the ATBA-UK
  • Maintain and publish a record of Centres and other training organisations in the United Kingdom which employ accredited instructors and operate in accordance with the standards agreed and approved by the ATBA-UK
  • Ensure that the approved standards for training and instruction are reviewed and approved by the ATBA-UK at regular intervals and at least every 3 years
  • Promote the importance of standards for training and instruction to the safe running of Centres and other training organisations, as well as to the future development of the sport
  • Respond on behalf of the ATBA-UK in all circumstances and situations relevant to the application of the standards agreed and approved by the ATBA-UK
  • Make recommendations to the Committee, and to the National Governing Body, in relation to the conduct of an instructor and/or the operation of a Centre or other training organisation

The Treasurer shall:

  • Cause such records of accounts to be kept as are necessary to give a true and fair view of the state of the finances of the Organisation
  • Cause all returns as may be required by law in relation to such accounts to be rendered at the due time
  • Prepare an Annual Balance Sheet as at 31st December in each year and cause such Balance Sheet (and accounts as necessary) to be audited at least once annually and shall thereafter cause the same to be available for inspection 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting
  • Present financial reports to the Chairman, General Committee, the National Governing Body and the Annual General Meeting of members
  • Receive all other payments and donations which shall be acknowledged by a proper receipt and paid into the Organisation´s bank account

The Riders´ Representatives shall:

  • Present and explain the interests, views and needs of riders at meetings of the Executive Committee
  • Discover the interests, views and needs of riders through all appropriate channels of communication including, but not limited to, meetings, events and internet forums set up and maintained for the purpose
  • Establish and maintain regular communications with regional representatives who have been identified and appointed by a recognised process
  • Review, consult and propose changes where necessary to the competition rules for all disciplines, including Boarder Cross (BX), Freestyle (FS), Slopestyle (SS), Free Cross (FX), downhill racing and any other forms of competition that may develop from time to time as the sport progresses
  • Inspect where possible, or otherwise obtain information and advice on, the design, construction and condition of the BX/FX track, start gate, FS/SS park and other features in advance of all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation, and make recommendations as necessary
  • Develop and administer competition licences for riders participating in all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation
  • Provide for the training and appointment of judges as required for all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation
  • Ensure that a riders´ meeting is held prior to the start of any competition at which the application of the rules to the particular circumstances of the event is fully explained and agreed
  • Set and enforce minimum standards for the training and deployment of marshals at all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation
  • Set and monitor health and safety standards for competitors at all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation
  • Maintain a record of risk assessments for all approved centres, training establishments and all events authorised by, or on behalf of the Organisation, ensuring that these are regularly reviewed and updated at least annually